Sunday, November 23, 2008


Can you read this?
If you can't read this, look behind you.
There's good reason to watch what's happening behind you, because there may be somebody following you.
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, a government agency under the U.S. Dept. of Education, apparently knows nothing about Pratt Institute's Financial Aid Dept., as related to the Graduate Computer Graphics Dept. between 1988 and 1990.
I have signed documents from the Financial Aid Dept. dated 1989, showing that Mr. David Sheridan was Assoc. Dir. in July, and J.E. Baynes was Asst. Dir. in August. Their lender was Manufacturer's Hanover Trust Bank, CS 1763, Hicksville, N.Y. 11802, phone 516-935-8860, or 1-800-MHT-GRAD.
The documents show that I did not know when I would graduate, even in August, 1989. In May, 1989, I show that I anticipated finishing in the Fall semester, 1989, and graduating in February, 1990. In August, 1989, I anticipated finishing in June 30, 1990. The June date stuck with my student loans, and I received phone calls from the student loan lenders starting in June, 1990. I did not finish until October 1, 1990 - handing in my thesis on Sept. 19, 1990, after having to approach a firm in Manhattan to edit my work, and not having any campus show of my work to fulfill thesis requirements. There was never one requested of me by Mr. Isaac Victor Kerlow, M.S., the Chair, and he even appointed himself in charge of the ACM-SIGGRAPH ART SHOW, in Las Vegas, Nv. in August, 1991.
I was told, at one point, that I had borrowed the maximum for a graduate degree, and, then, was told that I could borrow whatever I needed or requested, implying that I was with a trust fund with no limit on funds to spend and could immediately repay the amount being discussed anyway. Well, look around you again, and notice and remember. Think again. I was the first single nationality American to finish requirements for this degree, so to speak, as they existed. Not to mention, there was no one else there enrolled from the state of MISSOURI. Most of the money I had in New York had been borrowed from a bank in MISSOURI before I even left the state, in January, 1988.
With phone calls coming in every day Fall, 1990, and no recruiting on campus, no diploma to show, no show of my work, among the shadows that others were following that I knew, I just couldn't pay, anymore, a debt not owed, put on me by Pratt Institute and the circle/cycle I knew from Kansas State University. The debt has never been paid and will not be paid, because there is NO MONEY to pay the bills. Promises made, day after day, by Mr. Isaac Victor Kerlow, M.S., Chair, of money for the first graduates of the graduate CG program were so much rubbish, with his stories of 'companies' started by single unwed mothers and their babies, that I can't recall these without getting physically sick. Mr. Isaac Kerlow is now Prof. with N.T.U. in Singapore, Singapore.
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12255, Office of Collections 1-866-944-HESC (4372) , fax (518) 402-6379.